September stuff

I can’t really remember everything that happened in September but my birthday was in there someplace and a few of us celebrated at Skippers with Tab Benoit. Another group also had a scrumptous brunch at Oystercatchers.

Apparently I dog watched sometime in either late august or september because I found this photo on my PC:

Sookie, Dexter, Elsie, and Annabelle Beep-Beep

I also did my first City Bike Ride in September. I would love to do more of these but it was kind of strange doing this alone. We started at the museum and biked to 3-4 restaurants downtown. It really was much more eating than biking but it was fun.

September also found me with a ‘snake in the pool’ dilemna. Now I know, this snake isn’t very big. It is a ring-necked black snake and they don’t get much larger. BUT – a snake is a snake and I don’t like them… especially in the pool. I let it float around for a while with the hopes that it would drown. I then realized that snakes don’t drown. They swim. So, I decided to be a big girl and take care of the situation. I used the pool net and scooped it out and deposited in the grass.

I attended Lynn Marino’s baby shower.

I spent a lot of time in the stamp room making cards for September birthday gifts. I also listed many items on ebay.

There may be more events and happenings but I can’t recall right now so it is time to move on.