More Frankie and Annie pics
Frankie Grace!
we brought her home and people had to come meet her and we all decided on a name.
Ruby Sue (name changed later)
I learned about this little girl who was dropped at a kill shelter in Louisiana. The rescue brought her to St Pete. They had her spayed and checked over. They called her Ruby Sue. She was a puppy mill mama. Breed is Best Guess although they say maybe Chihuahua/ Yorkie mix.
I applied and a week later she was mine. These are her intake pictures from the foster mom.
Independent with HBirds / pass a grille beach
I took Amie to the beach for a few hours before heading to the airport. Then it was time for her to go home. Sad face.
After dropping her at the airport I stopped by for a beer and quick visit at The Independent. Annie was a hit as usual.
Trim painted. Finally.
Dave Alvin at Skippers (April 2019)
and the Hummingbirds opened. I sold almost every Hummingbird CD. We had a lot of laughs. It was a good evening with friends.
Marbles and new fence around pool pump (April 2019)
I am very behind with blogging!
Gene Owen is my marble expert.
Greg M is my contractor.
Hummingbirds at Ella’s (April 2019!)
with Jan and Johnny too!
House Concert
Jennifer Westwood and Dylan Dunbar.