Seffner Sinkhole – dirt / sand fill

Monday morning the dirt started arriving.  One truckload at a time. These pictures were shot Tuesday AM by my neighbor.  He said they are dumping it by the road/tree and then transporting it to the hole.  I will stop by in a couple of hours to check on the progress. 
We might be a day behind due to the rain.  I will find out today. More later! Thanks for stopping by.  Check back daily for updates. 

Seffner sinkhole is in the home stretch – hopefully

The crew has finished with filling the sinkhole with grout.   Monday it will be topped off with fill dirt.    Tuesday the engineers and geologists will return to take soil samples and test the ground with that fancy equipment.

I met my tenant there today to get a key to the apartment because the engineers will also have to inspect the inside for structural damage.   If they deem the building safe and there is no new sinkhole action on the property, the county will remove the evacuation signs and she can move back in to her apartment.

What a long strange trip this has been.

False alarm – Seffner sinkhole drama

I learned that recently filled sinkholes are steamy.  To someone, steam resembles smoke. Of course that someone called Hillsborough County Fire Rescue and reported a fire at my sinkhole tonight.


False alarm. I’m sure Bay News 9 will be at the scene soon interviewing anyone who walks by.

Day 4 of filling the Seffner sinkhole

Cement mixes with the foam to create a grout that is lighter than the soil/sand currently in the yard. 20 trucks so far this week and probably 3-4 more today. They expect to be done with this process this afternoon. Next the ground is tested again. After that passes, top soil will be added and they are done.