And it is going to a loving home.
Annie dental work
I was super stressed leaving her at the vet. But she needed work so bad. She lost four teeth and had a small infection. She’s doing better today. I’m sure she will feel much better in a few days.
Olivia is staying two extra weeks
We are having fun. She stays up half the night and sleeps till at least noon. We cook. We eat. We watch movies. She’s having a nice visit.
Mango boba tea
Olivia and her first Pho and dumplings
she loved it.
Olivia sampling Cuban food
Tedeschi-Trucks concert
Yard sales and saying goodbye to HBirds
Rachel and SG are off to Detroit to record the next album.
We bought two dolls and a ziplock of clothes at a yard sale. It was the best $5 spent all day. Those girls entertained themselves through the night and all the way home to Ohio.
Weekie Wachee Springs
SG at Gaspar’s
More socializing for Frankie.