We spend a lot of time in bed and she is in heaven.
The Only Daddy’s, John Corneal, and a Honky Tonk
Special guest star too! Rachel did a few songs with the Only Daddy’s.
Lucinda and Danny Wilda stopped in on there way home to see her brother. I was so happy to get to see them. It’s been a long time.
Jon Corneal – original drummer and band mate of Gram Parsons.
Worst kidney stone so far
The pain started around 3:15 pm Saturday. I have a few hours where I don’t remember much except pacing and trying to get comfortable. It was stabbing pain that would slightly fade to throbbing pain. I don’t know if it was because a pain pill kicked in or if the stone started moving. I researched today again and learned more about kidney stones. One thing I is that the pain can be from the stone moving and it can also be from the stone blocking the flow of urine. Sometime in the early morning I was finally able to pee again.
Going on 18 hours with this episode.
Friday night with Kelly and Rachel
Before the Damon Fowler show at The Attic. Ybor.
Annie and her hurricane experience
Not much different than any other week.
Damon Fowler at The Attic – Ybor
Kelly, Rachel, and me getting ready to rock and roll.
Publix is about half stocked with food
No milk! Half and half is better for coffee anyway. Egg shelf looks like this as well. I paid three times more than normal for 18 eggs. $4 for a pound of publix butter.
Kidney Stone 9/13 and Hurricane Irma
Kidney stone: Haven’t had one in a few years and naturally had one this week. Recording it here so I don’t forget the date.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Fourth day of no power due to hurricane Irma.
Power restored Thursday, September 14 around 3pm. Almost five days without power.
Hanging out in the car
Time to charge devices again! This little converter thingy is awesome.