This won’t last long.
Dog sitting on a rainy day – pouring for hours
And the dogs are bored. Hopefully this ends soon so they can go out in the yard.
Dexter waiting to see if Annie leaves a crumb
She wasn’t interested in her treat until Dexter came over and then she choked it down.
Kelly’s miniature pancake
This was called 1/2 order. What? Yummy breakfast at the Bread Box after yard sales.
Greyhounds have arrived!
I will have Willow and Dexter for about a week. Cricket arrives Sunday morning.
Gene Owen and Paul Thorn at Derry Down
Custom Beep Beep Doggie Door
No more snakes (hopefully) on the patio. Annie isn’t a fan yet. The flap is heavier and has magnets. I’m sure she will get used to it eventually.
Looks like the deck is complete
They also added a new water faucet and put it in PVC vs wood so it should last a long time. Great job.