Still sick from rabies shot? Or, just know something is happening soon

Elsie had her three year rabies shot Saturday. That was six days ago today. The first two days she was shaky and acting weird. The last four days she is still somewhat shaky and acting even weirder. She is eating and wants to go on a walk, but she does not want to be picked up and won't come when called. In fact, she yelps when picked up sometimes. So I guess she is still in pain from the needle. I'm not picking her up unless totally necessary. She doesn't want to sleep on the couch. She doesn't want to be in the same room with me. Perhaps she's mad at me?

Where is my happy little girl?

The raccoon strikes again, I guess it was a raccoon

I bought an avocado the other day and it wasn’t ripe so I put it in a brown bag with a banana and the avocado started ripening. But not quick enough. I researched and read that I could put it where it was warm or in the sun and it would ripen quicker. So I put the bag on top of the grill on the back patio.

Tonight I went out there and the brown bag and it was gone. I pulled the grill out and there was the bag and avocado. However, the banana was in sad shape.

So, it seems that something came on the patio, climbed on top of the grill, and opened the bag.  Whatever it was found and ate the banana. It looks to me like the avocado is claw-scraped.  The banana is definitely gone.

Contest won! Keep entering!

I went out the front door a little while ago and there was a large box waiting for me. I couldn’t remember that I ordered anything recently. Especially anything that required shipping in such a large box.  Happy potato chip mail surprise today!   I want to open every bag right now. But I’m being good. I will wait. Not sure what I’m waiting for — but I’m waiting.  I need to have a potato chip party!