October in Los Angeles

I spent almost three weeks in Los Angeles with Tawni and Lyndon. I had a great time hanging out with them and appreciate their warm hospitality.

Among other things which I will also post separately we….
– Spent time at It’s a Wrap http://www.itsawraphollywood.com/
– Shopped at the Vintage Clothing Expo. The second day I sat in the sun outside people watching and reading. It was a beautiful day in Santa Monica
– Watched THOR! yes, I finally got to experience the wonder that is THOR… I don’t know what the movie was really about but I did enjoy the eye candy
– cooked a few dinners and also baked some yummy pumpkin cookies
– went out to dinner here and there
– enjoyed some live music and karaoke too! (no, I did NOT sing)
– worked every weekday
– browsed a cool antique shop
– dressed like ghouls
– attended a fashion and make-up event at nordstroms which was really fun
– other stuff I’ve forgotten
– was totally spoiled