Imitation Elsie visits Graceland again and leaves her mark on the graffiti wall outside

The first room seen on the tour is the white living room with the music room in the background. Oh yeah, and those peacock stained glass windows. The blue curtain shrouds the upstairs. No one goes upstairs (except Lisa Marie of course!). After you walk through the dining room and kitchen you go downstairs and see the TV room fashionably decorated in bright yellow, royal blue, and white with mirrors everywhere. Elvis wanted to watch more than one channel at a time so he had three TVs installed. This room also includes a bar area.
Across the hall from the TV room is the pool room. The walls and ceiling are covered in fabric. Its very dark.The jungle room awaits at the top of the stairs.

After you’ve seen the inside of Graceland you head to the office and then to the racquetball building. On the stairway leading to the court the intials EP greet you.
The court is transformed into an incredible display of records and quite a few of his costumes