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I know a lot of these but will never hit all 50 (totally copied from huffington post)

Some of these I don’t want to learn or do.  Like swim.  Or jump the car.  Especially don’t want to do my taxes nowadays.   I’d like to tell off a few people but then I think “why waste good air and energy.  Just ignore them.”  Some of these are funny and it would be interesting to me to see if the list is representative of women nowadays whether they are 50 or not.  I’d say I was doing most of these by the 30. Now I have to go read the “30” list.  

Huffington Post:  No doubt many people believe that wisdom comes with age. Indeed recent research shows that people believe those in their 50s and 60s to be pretty darn capable. (Unfortunately, other research shows that wisdom starts to decline at around age 75.) But is it really true? What do you know now that you didn’t know 20 years ago?

The Huffington Post previously published an article on the “30 Things Every Woman Should Have And Should Know” by 30. We decided to take that a step further and ask our readers what every woman should know how to do by 50. Our Facebook fans offered a variety of opinions. Kim Shaw Bussey said women should know how to “date men under 40.” Melanie Springer responded “pay bills (on time).” And Brian Friesen said women should know how to “have an orgasm. If you’ve never figured it out before, now is the time.”

After much discussion, those of us at Huff/Post50 compiled our own list of 50 things we believe every woman should know how to do by the age of 50. 

By 50, women should know how to:

  1. Say “no” without feeling guilty
  2. Book their own travel
  3. Say “I’m sorry” and mean it
  4. Laugh at themselves
  5. Change a tire
  6. Take themselves out to dinner and/or a movie — on their own
  7. Get around in a foreign country
  8. Program and operate their TV (this is easier said than done!)
  9. Mix at least a few classic cocktails
  10. Do their own taxes
  11. Invest in the stock market
  12. Make themselves and their own needs a priority
  13. Sew — at least a little
  14. Defend themselves against an attacker with at least one signature self-defense move
  15. Perform CPR
  16. Carve a turkey
  17. Choose their own wine
  18. Light a grill — and then cook on it
  19. Swim
  20. Order a credit report — and then be able to read it
  21. Examine their own breasts
  22. Graciously accept a compliment
  23. Flip their own breaker
  24. Plunge a toilet
  25. Properly hang photos and artwork
  26. Whip up a signature dish that’s not spaghetti or meatloaf
  27. Walk away from a situation or relationship when it’s not working
  28. Tell off at least one person who deserves it
  29. Say what they really want in bed
  30. Put together a piece of “some assembly required” furniture
  31. Apply makeup without a mirror
  32. Buy something crazy expensive just because they want it
  33. Ask for a raise
  34. Mow their own yard
  35. Unclog a drain
  36. Tell which direction they are facing
  37. Tell at least one really good joke
  38. Make small talk with just about anyone
  39. Know when to reveal personal information — and when not to
  40. Think critically and independently when hearing speeches and listening to the news
  41. Paint a room
  42. Buy the right-sized bra
  43. Beautifully wrap a present
  44. Hail a taxi
  45. Reach out to an old friend
  46. Jump a car battery
  47. Show love with actions and not just words
  48. Put together a real retirement strategy
  49. Look good in a photo
  50. Open a bottle of champagne