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Ice dye experiment two

The first experiment went well so I thought I'd try it again. This time the targets are a long sleeve T-shirt and a pair of white Capri pants (from ECHO). The Capri pants were destined for the garbage but they may now become my favorite Capri pants. Who knows.

So with my first experiment the ice would fall off along the sides and I would attempt to put it back. It got messy and I got dye all over my fingers.

I thought about this for a while. I was trying to figure out a way to have a little wall around my garment to keep the ice from falling off. Well. I thought of this: Aluminum foil covered with saran wrap. I'm not sure the saran wrap is necessary but I wasn't sure if the dye would have a reaction to the foil.

So, there you have experiment number two. Finished product pictures will be posted tomorrow. This is a slow process.

Finally! You sat down. It IS Sunday!!

I've been on the run since 7 AM. First to the market to buy a few things and then home. I have been baking since about 930am. I sat down on the sofa for a short break while the fruitcakes finish baking. The dogs couldn't get over here fast enough and Elsie is now holding me down.