Category Archives: Shelley Renee perfect

Divide and conquer in the garden

In April 2012 I bought two pots of these colorful foliage plants. I wish I could remember the name of the plant right now but I can’t…Anyhoo, at that time I divided the two full pots into about 15 or so plants. They’ve had all summer to grow and multiply so today I divided three of the established plants and now have a total of 24. Tomorrow I’m gonna divide more into the other garden. What a deal. 🙂

See the larger plant. In the back? I have many more outside of photo range that are my future dividing targets.

Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds at Clearwater Jazzfest
I spent today in Clearwater with thousands of my friends.  Not really my friends but we all had something in common.  We were there to enjoy the music.  I also wanted to try and relax a bit.
It was a beautiful, sunny day.  Not a cloud in the sky.  I could have used a few clouds or an umbrella but with the bullfrog and hat, I survived. 
The sun started going down around the same time this fabulous band, took the stage.  I saw SS about 18 months ago or so at Skipper’s Smokehouse.  They opened for another famous band but after seeing them rock the stage, I left after the headliner played a few songs.  I couldn’t wait to get the CD into the car player. 
I’ve been following SS ever since and have promoted them to everyone I think would enjoy their sound and energy.  Yes, I did miss the  Tampa show two weeks ago but dang, it was day 3 of my surgery and I wasn’t leaving the house. 
They continue to be one of my favorite bands and their music is in constant rotation on my ipods and Pandora, yes, I created a Sister Sparrow Channel. 

It’s a family affair.  That’s her cousin on drums.  So much talent in this band.

too bad blogger’s new and improved software still doesn’t give you the option of rotating a photo… above is her brother and he can play the harp.  boy, can he play the harp!  Below are more of the dirty birds.

 I am looking forward to the next show.  Soon please. 

the apartment in madrid – a few folks have asked so here’s a few shots

me doing what i do best – researching the places to go next!  wi-fi thanks to the neighbors but that will soon be a thing of the past.

bedroom.  we finally got the lights to work.

to the left of the sofa.  3rd floor apartment with fun street action below. I guess I should have shot a few pics outside the window.  Next time.  Soon.

Across from the sofa and entry to bedroom.  Sparse but what more do you need for a rental?  It was perfect for us.  I’m looking forward to a return trip soon.

Bathroom to the right with a shower that reminded me of the stalls found on the cruise ship.  Kitchen table to the left. Kitchen to the right past the bath.  Doorway into the foyer and stairwell.

 Bathroom with washing machine.  Perfect for this back-pack traveller.

Kitchen.  Small fridge to the right under the counter.  Don’t need anything more since there are so many cafes and bars steps away.

Day 2 and the cancer cells in these two spots are gone

Doc said All Clear.

Tomorrow is the sew-up or reconstruction-depends on how the spots look and how vain I am… I really don’t mind the scars that will be on my nose. Life lines. No one looks at me anyway (except you Joni!) So who cares about a little scar. Hopefully little!

No, I haven’t seen what’s under the bandage. I elected to ‘pass’ when offered the mirror.

This type of surgery is time-consuming but interesting. Google MOHLs if you want to learn more. (add cancer or skin or procedure if you don’t get a good hit on your first search)

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