Category Archives: iPhone

Divide and conquer in the garden

In April 2012 I bought two pots of these colorful foliage plants. I wish I could remember the name of the plant right now but I can’t…Anyhoo, at that time I divided the two full pots into about 15 or so plants. They’ve had all summer to grow and multiply so today I divided three of the established plants and now have a total of 24. Tomorrow I’m gonna divide more into the other garden. What a deal. 🙂

See the larger plant. In the back? I have many more outside of photo range that are my future dividing targets.

Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds at Clearwater Jazzfest
I spent today in Clearwater with thousands of my friends.  Not really my friends but we all had something in common.  We were there to enjoy the music.  I also wanted to try and relax a bit.
It was a beautiful, sunny day.  Not a cloud in the sky.  I could have used a few clouds or an umbrella but with the bullfrog and hat, I survived. 
The sun started going down around the same time this fabulous band, took the stage.  I saw SS about 18 months ago or so at Skipper’s Smokehouse.  They opened for another famous band but after seeing them rock the stage, I left after the headliner played a few songs.  I couldn’t wait to get the CD into the car player. 
I’ve been following SS ever since and have promoted them to everyone I think would enjoy their sound and energy.  Yes, I did miss the  Tampa show two weeks ago but dang, it was day 3 of my surgery and I wasn’t leaving the house. 
They continue to be one of my favorite bands and their music is in constant rotation on my ipods and Pandora, yes, I created a Sister Sparrow Channel. 

It’s a family affair.  That’s her cousin on drums.  So much talent in this band.

too bad blogger’s new and improved software still doesn’t give you the option of rotating a photo… above is her brother and he can play the harp.  boy, can he play the harp!  Below are more of the dirty birds.

 I am looking forward to the next show.  Soon please.