Looking forward to reading this book. Thanks Liz :)

I know I'm messed up. We all are a little bit, aren't we? "We all have our thing" is a common saying of mine. I'm not sure what the answer is for me but I know I will never be good enough. Haha

Some of my goals for this year:

1. Not schedule as many 'things' to do… Sometimes i feel overwhelmed and that my brain is going to explode. I want to stay home more and enjoy what I have under this roof. So my friends, please don't think I'm avoiding you or don't want to go out anymore. I do want to go, sometimes. I should also try to stick to a budget. Is that possible? What is a budget? I guess I should create one before I decide to stick to it, Haha I'm not against going places I just want to be more varied (I guess?) and careful with my time, energy, and funds. I want the biggest bang for my buck and that includes spending days at home, days without driving the car, days where you come to visit me and we have fun doing whatever. Perhaps this will change once I become a member of the working prisoner class again but right now I'm trying to relax. Again, is that possible? What is relaxing? Haha

2. Post more to my blog so I have an electronic journal of what I've been doing with all of my time. Someone recently asked me what I've been doing over the last six months and it was difficult to answer. I know I did something but it seems as if I've wasted a lot of time. The blog will hopefully remind me of how I'm living my life. I need to post more of my creations because I know I spend many hours in the spare room working on 'stuff' ….

3. I have more goals but am not gonna bore you with them here. Maybe someday. Boy, this post is all over the place!

So, back to the book. I heard about this book a few weeks ago and my friend Liz purchased it for me. Very thoughtful and I'm looking forward to discovering the contents. I'm sure I need books about abandonment, co-dependency, self-esteem, and who-knows-what-else but for now I will start with this one. Just don't anyone refer me to the bible. If so, I may have to come at you like a spider-monkey.

Am I worried that certain folks might read this blog and take offense? Nope. I wish some people WOULD read my blog and show a 1% interest. Oops, is that narcissistic? I'm so confused!

My next book should be something about father/daughter relationships and how if you never had one, it can really eff up your future- and how as an adult I can get over it. So dads, take care of your girls before it is too late. Their happiness depends on it. No resentment here. Anyone know a good shrink? 🙂