spare me. Sign here. I felt so bad I almost cried and those weren’t tears of joy. I want to keep my car but I’m afraid it has too many issues. Is it ok for now, yes. Do I have to have a new car today? No.
Interesting how I just looked at that SUV Wednesday, it has been on the lot for a few weeks, and as soon as I show interest, they have another cash offer!!! So, you have to make a decision right now. I did. It took me a couple of hours but I decided to walk away. There will always be another car. Volvo owners traditionally take care of their cars. There might not be another exactly like this one but I bet there will be a BETTER ONE!
I felt so relieved when we left that place and went to dinner. I was not excited at all about buying that car and one should be crying due to happiness and excitement for that type of purchase. I’m happy I didn’t sign. I DO love that car. I think it is a great car for me. I know that right then was not the time for me to make that decision.
I’m very grateful for Liz’s support in that horrid ordeal.