Monthly Archives: July 2018

Hummingbirds House Concert

The Hummingbirds are almost ready to record a new album. They wanted to test some new music so we hosted a small house concert Friday night. We called it Beta Birds v1. I hope to do another show in a month to test more songs and to raise more music. I will post as many pics and I have and I apologize for duplicates. Cheryl made guacamole and salsa. I put out some Esther Price turtles. I made way too many tater tots.

Small water leak

This is the new plumbing installed around the deck. I got the water turned off and the contractor came almost immediately and capped the pipe. Another wrong decision I made that could have gone very bad. Thank goodness I was taking Annie out the back door and noticed the water. I don’t know how long it had been running. I will know within 30 days – once I get my water bill. Sigh.