Daily Archives: February 26, 2016

Cayamo – Tuesday – Day 3

My day started with more Bros Landreth and then a few minutes of Slaid Cleaves. Slaid is played frequently on wmnf but doesn’t get to FL much. I saw him once years ago on a tuesday night at skippers. very thin crowd but he is entertaining and a fabulous storyteller. Nice voice and also easy on the eyes. I had to leave Slaid’s show because I had my second bonus ticketed show. I can explain the bonus shows later because I have to tell you about John Fullbright…. this was my fourth big moment on the boat. (First, Sean. Second, Foy. Third, Langhorne)

I’ve been listening to John Fullbright for two years. I have both CDs. Grant Peeples told me about him two years ago and I bought the first one. Then I read about his second release so I bought it since I enjoyed the first so much. The CDs are primarily him, his piano, his voice, his lyrics. The show included a FULL BAND with everything. John is amazingly talented. If he comes to your city, go see him. He is the real deal. During the show Steve Earle came out and they did Woody Guthrie’s song Deportee. Very moving. I went to this show alone and as I was leaving I saw Ralph (bass player for paul thorn). He had been in the theatre and felt the same thing as me. John gave me goosebumps, made me laugh, and made me cry. It was what I call a shelley church moment.

From there I didn’t care if I saw another band all day. JUST KIDDING! I’m sure Ralph and I probably went to the buffet and then a few of us went to the second Angeleena show previously mentioned. After a couple of songs a few in my group left.

Then I had some conflicts. Jim Lauderdale, Chris Stapleton, and Langhorne Slim all slightly overlapped in showtimes. I started at Jim and then went to LS. There were so few people at LS. I stayed for the entire show and then quickly went to the CS show and caught his very.last.song. Seriously I saw him do one song! But it was fabulous. Chris (and his wife) are both very popular songwriters in Nashville. (do i sound like a broken record yet? remember this is a singer/songwriter cruise…) Chris was also the frontman in the Steeldrivers band. He broke from that band and released his record last year which went to the top of the country charts. Cayamo was lucky to book him last year as a songwriter (along with his wife) and to have him on the boat with everyone loving him. He won a grammy this year as did the Steeldrivers. Check them out if you don’t know that band. They are excellent.

After that one song I went straight to the pool deck to see Lucinda Williams’ band Buick 6. They open for her and then back her when she plays. This was another show I was really looking forward to all day and I was not disappointed. Good rock and roll. Lucinda took the stage and captured the crowd. Many people may not like her voice, or the fact that she can’t remember her own lyrics, or whatever…. but, if you listen to her words, read her stories…. I need to stop.

Then…it was the Grateful Dead Tribute which was OK. I was never a huge GD fan but do like their music. It was fun seeing the artists on the boat switch out and play their favorite GD tunes. Some sort of Bowie tribute would have been nice but I digress. I guess there wasn’t enough time to pull it off.

I’m sure after this i (we) walked the boat, visited with friends – old and new – in the casino, cafe, buffet, pool deck. I was the oldest one in the room and was also the last one in the cabin 🙂 Those young girls just couldn’t hang most nights. They were tired.

Cayamo – Day 2

Day 2 started with a lot of socializing in the cafe with friends. Then we were off to the first bonus show with Foy, Angeleena, and Paul. We were in the third row or so and Barbara and her friend sat behind us. Sam and his wife Cindy were nearby as were Sean and Tracy. Many of the people around us had not seen or heard of these three. Some knew paul but not foy, etc. Foy blew them all away. I wish they could have played another hour or two but there were other performers waiting for the stage. Unfortunately this show was a total contrast with Mingo Fishtrap’s first show on the boat. Not one of us Mngo fans left the Unlikely Trio show! Mingo would have to wait.

From the unlikely trio I (probably ran to the cafe again but I can’t remember) went to see JohnnySwim in the Spinnaker. I spent a lot of time in the Spinnaker. I really liked JS. I didn’t get the chance to see them in Tampa before the boat and regret not going. I also didn’t get to see them again ON the boat but was happy I caught the first show.

After JS I went to the pool deck to catch a little of Sugar and the Hi-Lows. I was not familiar with them but enjoyed their show and the weather was beautiful. Their guitar player IMHO wins the award for the coolest guitar on the boat. I learned later in the week (at the buddy and jim show) that the two leads in this band have written many songs that are used in the TV show Nashville. They also have other hit songs and are popular songwriters in the city of Nashville. Buddy Miller promotes them and they were guests on the Buddy and Jim show that was recorded Saturday. Buddy Miller and Jim Lauderdale have a SIrius Radio show and they have this tradition of recording a session on the boat and then it plays the next week on the digital radio.

I’m rambling and need to move on.

Back to the Spinnaker for Shawn Mullins. I always enjoy Shawn. I don’t get to see him off the boat because it seems like his shows are in venues far away and the tickets seem very expensive. He’s worth it, I just never go! Bad Shelley.

After Shawn I’m sure there was a feeding and then I went to the pool deck to catch a little of Kacey Musgraves (and her electric cowboys). I really liked Kacey’s first record a couple of years ago and the second one is good too. The electric cowboys and other stage stuff might get old after a while but I thought it was cool seeing them in the dark, under the stars, with warm air, on the calm seas.

Then LANGHORNE SLIM! He has been a favorite of mine since I saw him open for the avett brothers a few years ago. For that first time, it was just him and a bass player on stage. Then I saw him two more times in Tampa with a full band and was even more fascinated. On the boat, it was just him and his guitar. I was enthralled. Liz and I sat in the front row. Barbara was behind us with her friend. I cannot even describe LS. You have to see him live and listen to his stories and watch him twitch, shake his head, and shout ‘can i get a hell yeah’ … then… you too will fall for LS. Check out the Stetson special Langhorne Slim hat and story. I REALLY covet that hat and should just buy it but some people have told me it is too big for my head. it is a hat for a man. whatever. Dear reader, if you look at the hat, actaully take the time to google and find it – let me know what you think. LS told me I would ROCK THAT HAT. His words. Of course he wants to sell a hat… but I believe him.

After Langhorne I cannot remember what I (we) did. We had a small group of 12 or so and sometimes we’d all go eat, go to a show, meet back later, etc. etc. We roam all over that boat and see what we can see, hear what we can hear, and always get ice cream or SOMETHING!

Cayamo Day One!

We made the four-ish hour trek to Miami early Sunday January 21.  Liz drove.  Sarah navigated.  Kelly tried to rest.  I worked on a project for my mom.  We stopped for breakfast at Bob Evans (of course!).  
Getting into the port is much easier now.  They didn’t ask us at the main entrance for our passports and reason why we were there.  Lowered security I should say.  We parked and made our way to the line.  Check In was fairly quick.  We waited in queue to actually board the boat.  I made the girls all wear different Paul Thorn shirts for the boarding photo.  Aren’t we cute!
We quickly found friends and the buffet (again, of course).  The sail-away show was Jason Isbell on the pool deck.  He had the album of the year and won a few other grammy awards.  His adorable wife Amanda Shires was on stage with him. He has a fantastic band of players and they were a good choice for the first show of the day.
After Jason we went to the other end of the boat to see Angelena Presley (no relation).  She is quirky, funny, adorable and has funny stories of growing up poor (white trash she says) in Kentucky.  On the boat the artists play two or more shows.  Some artists have A LOT of material.  Some have just one CD or so.  I went to another one of her shows later in the week and left after two songs.  it was a repeat.  She did play an ‘in the round’ set with Paul Thorn and Foy Vance and that was spectacular.  This is where the artists have their voice, story, and instrument and they rotate through songs.  These sessions are my favorite because I feel like I get to know the artist and I enjoy the story behind the song.  Some songs have no story and those make funny sets too.  So, back to AP… she was 1/3 of the Pistol Annie’s band.  They probably still play together – I’m not sure.   I enjoyed chatting with her on the pool deck.
The Brothers Landreth (from Canada) were next on my list and they wowed me.  I can’t wait until they come to Tampa. I predict they will soon be too big to play small venues.
Jim Lauderdale was next in the Spinnaker.  I love him almost as much as Lyle. Maybe even equal.  He is a famous songwriter but didn’t make the big time country stage like some of the other ‘stars’ who come out around the same time.  If you google Lauderdale hits I’m sure you will recognize some of his songs, especially if you’ve been a country music fan over the last 20 years.   To me, he is as much as a star as anyone else.  He sure does have the talent and has played with everyone, written songs that have sold millions, and put out many, many records of his own.  I went to every one of his shows on the boat – at least for part of them if I couldn’t stay for the entire performance.  
Foy Vance …. well, you just have to see Foy in person to ‘get it’ I think.  He too will soon be way to famous to play small clubs.  I feel fortunate to have met him and experienced his magic in small groups.  By the second show you couldn’t get near the stage, buy the next show, you had to be there very early to get in the venue.  He also loves to show up and sit in with other artists.  He was all over the boat.  My favorite image of him was the second morning in the buffet…. there he was in his bathrobe –  no shoes – probably nothing on under the robe either  -with his tray of food at the bar buying his alcohol to go.  Gotta love Foy.
After that I closed the night with the Watkins Family Hour.  Sean and Sara Watkins host this show in LA and bring it on the boat too.  You never know who will show up and what will happen.  One year Fiona Apple appeared.  apparently she got on the boat in one of the ports and was somewhat of a stowaway.  she’s friends with Sara and who knows how she finagled it but – there she was on stage.  That was a few years ago.  I just mentioned it because Sean and Sara always bring something exciting to their late night show.
In between all of this of course we made many trips to the buffet to meet and greet all of our friends.  My favorite boat moment was when Sean Moran appeared at our table.  I didn’t remember (or even know?) that he was going to be on the boat. I was so happy to be able to kind of ‘channel’ bernie and keith through him (Bernie’s brother).   
Just got on the boat.  First Meal.  Kelly Schindler Watts, Liz Lynch, Sarah Harvey, and ME!  I will add more pics as I go along.