Monthly Archives: February 2015

Evening water ritual

And tonight just after I snapped this pic Annie snapped at Elsie. I put the water bowl on the bed and they drink at the same time. Tonight was the first time I shot pics and it is also the first time Annie growled and snapped. Little Brat. I made her stop drinking until after Elsie finished.

Kidney Stones! OUCH!

yep… another one today I think. Well, it started around 1am. Of course, as usual, I thought it was something else but as the minutes passed into painful hours I realized that I must be passing a stone.

I broke out the pain meds around 6am and have been taking 1/2 pill every hour or so. Modern medicine is amazing. I will keep this self-medicating routine for a few hours and then wean off and see if I still have pain.

I'm in Emergency Room Avoidance!