Monthly Archives: December 2014

First time – ice dye experiment

Perhaps I should leave this to the professionals!
1. Find cotton or natural fiber fabric or whatever you want to ruin.
2. Run it through the washer. For the first time in years I actually washed a load using hot water.
3. Soak the item for 10 to 15 minutes in the soda ash solution.
4. Squeeze item until slightly damp. Tie or twist or whatever you want to prepare it for the die.  The fabric I tied. The shirts j scrunched.  
5. Place on rack as shown. You can see I used items found in garage and cabinets.
6. Cover with ice.
7. Sprinkle the dye.
8. Wait.
I will report back later. Today I am ruining two old cotton shirts and a piece of clearance cotton fabric from Joanns. My ultimate goal is table covers for house concerts.

Taste test – French Press vs Keurig

Honestly….. I don’t taste much difference. French press is more work and cleanup I suppose. 

I’d like to experiment with better coffee grinds. someday!

If my friend Keith were here he’d probably pour it all down the drain. No one makes coffee like Keith!

Note: I do not use the plastic cups in my coffee maker. I use the filter and use my own ground coffee. Well, I don’t grind my own coffee. I don’t have a coffee grinder. I buy pre-ground. The point is I don’t use the little plastic cups.  I need to test that next I suppose… French Press vs. Keurig Cup.

Muffin supply was depleted

Pumpkin cranberry muffins are going in oven next.   Experimenting with new cereal brand.  Never tried chocolate bran before.  I added one extra egg and some cocoa along with fresh cranberries.  They smell good but I haven’t tasted them yet.  

Long drive allows plenty of thinking time….

During my long journey from the hills of KY to perfect place I had a lot of time to think and reflect.

It sucks to realize that people are just people and are always going to disappoint no matter how much I lower my expectations.

It sucks to realize that people are just users and takers and once a user and taker, always a user and taker I suppose.

It sucks to realize that some people I may never see again and that it probably doesn’t matter to them one way or another even though it makes me cry.

It sucks to realize that no matter what I do I will never be good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or whatever enough to some people.

It sucks to realize that some people who I’d think would be/should be 100% interested in events and happenings are 100% not interested for various reasons.  People change.  People get new friends.  People have a lot going on in their lives.  People have their own family and busy schedules.  I get it but don’t reel me in and then let me flop around.  Cut off my head already or leave me alone.

It sucks to realize that I have to continue to separate myself, distance myself even more from people so that I don’t continue to be disappointed and hurt.  But I’m sure it is better for me in the long run.

It sucks but it is totally true…Actions speak louder than words.

It sucks to realize that I can’t really depend on very many people.  Back to the last one…. people talk a lot of shit.

It is GREAT to realize that there are a handful of people who DO really care, who DON’T disappoint, who AREN’T users and takers, who CAN’T WAIT to see you or talk to you again, who ARE genuinely interested in events, milestones, and your welfare.

There is more in this peabrain but that is way more than I probably should have added to this blog.