Daily Archives: January 27, 2014

The Legendary Richard Thompson

Google him if you don’t know… Then go see him and be amazed at his skill. That is his drummer behind me. Equally amazing. I went to all three shows on the boat. I saw him for the first time in 1999 or so and was hooked. He made many new fans on this excursion.

Tortola excitement – this post will change as more photos will be added later

So, a few of us went onshore and Plan A was to take a ferry to an island and hang out on the beach for a bit.   Well, the scooters caught our eye and we changed to Plan B.   To move tha along a few hours, my friend rear ended me and we both went down. Sad and bad accident although it could have been a lot worse.  No broken bones just a lot of road rash.   Thank goodness I had just purchased a T-shirt at the restaurant we just left.   I was coated with sunscreen but felt I was still getting too much sun on my shoulders.  That T-shirt saved my left shoulder and upper arm from more road rash. The T-shirt is ripped and worn through in spots but it has some memories and was totally worth the $20. Sorry Jimmy for the ruined shirt.  
I’m bruised here and there. Have road rash on my shoulder and elbow.  My right leg has a few small cuts.  Also have a Couple of big bruises on my chest I guess where the handlebar or mirror must have hit me.  
We had been out about two hours and had just finished a wonderful lunch at a little restaurant on the water. Boats pull up an anchor or tie off and climb aboard the restaurant. No cocktails for either of us.   Unfortunately she was just following a little too close and bumped me and I went down and then she ran into me.   Unfortunate accident but like I said it could’ve been much worse. I’m happy to be home.  I could be recovering in a hospital in Tortola.  
The pictures are in random order because as I add them it’s a PITA to try to move them around this blogger application.   I am receiving more in email from my friends so I may add a few here and there.
Here we go:
Front row of the bus so I could prop the foot high.  It is covered with a napkin to hide the grossness from the gawkers.  
A few hours after the accident.  In the ship cabin.  Doctor Eddie examined and believes I don’t have broken bones.  But I had to clean it. OUCH!!!! Thank goodness for Kelly’s gentle technique and touch. Off to dinner we went.   This day is kind of a blur to me.  Karen Oldham massaged and checked on me frequently too. A fabulous chiropractor and healer on the boat.  Lots of new friends.  

The last night of the boat ride.  We went to dinner and there was a wheelchair along the wall.  We took it and it was so much easier getting around.  Should have taken one a day earlier.  

First photo after returning to ship.  It hasn’t been cleaned yet and is covered in Neosporin.  A taxi was coming and I flagged it down.  there was enough room so we rode back back to the scooter rental hot.   The passengers in the taxi were also on our ship. One of the man is Delbert McClinton’s dentist. His wife gave me the tube of Neosporin. I was in shock. I don’t really remember those people. But they remembered us and when they saw us they would stop to check on our progress and healing.  very, very nice people.  
Sunday I took this picture on the bus. The white strip is a transderm pain patch.  It is healing but looks gross. Can’t walk but can hop and hobble.  Doesn’t look like I have much of an ankle. Just very swollen.  

Monday morning.  Swelling is going down. Yay!! Still can’t walk and I learned that crutches, tile floor, and liquids are not a good combo.  I’m back to hopping, crawling, and butt scooting to get around.  The girls want me to get to the sofa and watch a movie ASAP.  

Frozen bags of peas make the best ice packs.  Look- you can kind of see my ankle again!  I can also flex my foot back today much easier.  Can’t wait til tomorrow!  Will add more pics as they come through from friends.
  Ice therapy on the pool deck.   Even the waiters kept an eye on me and brought me ice.
Trying to keep it elevated.  Swelling is bad. My friends reserved this chair for me in the shade.  I wasn’t going to leave the room. This was taken Saturday. The last full day of the boat ride.  I was in too much pain and couldn’t walk.
Another gross view. 
This is Dr. Eddie from Chicago. He checked me out immediately after I got on the boat after the accident.  The ship doctor charges minimum $150 just to walk through the door.  I didn’t think I had any broken bones but I wasn’t sure but I didn’t want to see the ship doc. Eddie moved my foot all around, checked out my shoulder, pulled my toes, twisted my ankle. He felt I didn’t have any broken bones either.  He advised me to go clean that nasty wound immediately and get it covered since that boat is like a large Petri dish.   I couldn’t stand washing it. The shower water burned so bad.  I gave up and decided I’d take my chances with dirt or whatever might be in there.   Thank goodness to Kelly’s gentle touch and technique, it got cleaned.  Kelly also has a few spots of road rash on her body.  She will be sore for a few weeks as well.  This photo was shot on the last night of the cruise. Eddie was doing a final inspection.    
This is Karen Oldham.  She is a chiropractor. She has wonderful healing techniques.  Karen massage my leg and my toes and my arm. She showed me new massage techniques for my TMJ issues.  She called me over because of my flatfeet. She informed me that I’m lactose intolerant. She could tell that just by my feet and she is correct.   Then she saw my injury and got to work on that right away.  She also would stop by and check on me until the end of the cruise.  She gave me a bottle of wonderful aloe lotion. I will post a picture of that later and I recommend you try it too.   She is the wife of Spooner Oldham. Google him. A lot of musical history sitting in that chair across from me.  And the sweetest couple you will ever meet.  
Late night jam.  Elevated foot as directed.  Just not elevated enough I shall soon learn.