Monthly Archives: April 2013

Cabot oil treatment day two

Almost finished!  I applied 3 more gallons this morning.  There was a light breeze and I started out in the shade.  I should have stopped at 2 because by the time I was halfway through the third gallon the fumes and heat were getting to me.  Paint fumes make me sick.  As you can see from the photo below, I have just a small area to complete.

I have two more gallons in the garage and I should be able to do the last part with one gallon.  In a few weeks I will take the last gallon and go over a few spots where I think the oil is too thin.  I can see areas where it is darker than others. One can of this stuff seemed a lot thinner than the others and I think I can tell where it was applied.
Overall though I really like the way it looks even if it is splotchy here and there.  I’d like to see how the rain affects it although I don’t want it to rain for a few days now!

Let the Cabot treatment begin…

Before I started applying the Cabot’s.

I really like the dark color.  It will be interesting to see how long it stays this way. One gallon done.  There is a light breeze but the fumes are still making me a little sick.  Also the bugs are starting to come out and it will be dark in about an hour.  I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this week so far.  It may be a few days before I can get back out here and work on this more.

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Annabelle Beep-Beep and the lamb knee bone

At first she didn't want this when offered this afternoon. Elsie took her bone and started chewing immediately. Tonight Annie has a new interest in the bone as you can see!

The vet recommended these as a way to help keep their teeth clean. They always have bully sticks but he said these knee bones would help too. The first bones I found were cow knees. HUGE! Today I went to the feed store around the corner and found these lamb knees. Gross now that I’m typing and thinking about it.