Monthly Archives: March 2013

Squirrel trapped in feeder – bird cage used as feeder

I think this may have been the first time this squirrel visited my yard.  Or, it just had a panic attack and forgot how he entered the cage/feeder!  It was going around and around inside the cage – I could hear it inside the house.  Poor dumb squirrel!  The birds fly in and out all day.  The bottom is finally rusting on this one and my garage sale searches have not offered a replacement cage yet.  Anyone have bird cages collecting dust in your garage?  I’d love to take them off your hands.   Check back later for a video link.  It is uploading to the YouTubes right now.  Click here to watch video

Pink healing around Elsie’s lips

I've said this many times over the last few days… I can't imagine what she has been feeling since Saturday afternoon.

This afternoon it seemed she was really feeling better. She drank water using her tongue and didn’t stay in her bed or box alone. Later she barked at a sound outside. That is the first bark I’ve heard since Saturday morning. Then she ate her dinner and baked chicken. She’s spent the evening on the sofa with me and was licking her paws a few minutes ago. A little while ago she licked my nose. Normally I don’t like or allow licks but she hasn’t licked or used her tongue since Saturday morning and I let her have at it. She’s not drinking a lot alone or licking her paws excessively but enough that I can tell she is healing in her mouth. She has a few more pain pills and I’m going to give them to her til they are gone along with the rest of the antibiotics. He asked me to bring her for another laser treatment tomorrow morning and I think that may be the last of those. Thanks to those who ask about TCDITW. My princess.

Another update – midnight: she hasn’t wanted to get in bed with me all week. Tonight she went to her bed again but after I turned off the light and got under the covers she came over and wanted up with us. Yay!

Pretend this is Wheel of Fortune

And your clue is Before and After…. What is the sentiment for this card? Comment with your answer if you can. Correct answers get a smile.

I made only two of these cards so for everyone else, here is your virtual Easter card from me, Elsie, and Annabelle beep-beep.