Daily Archives: February 16, 2013

Tuna (Chicken!) treats from Rachael Ray magazine

For this recipe I substituted chicken since I’m not a tuna fan and didn’t want to work with it. 
Also, since the recipe calls for a 3.5 ounce can and my market has only 5 oz or 10 oz I decided to buy the 10oz and triple it.
One thing I’ve learned over the years with baking dog treats is that they are very forgiving.  Basically you are just mashing ingredients together and then baking the moisture out of them. 
I should have added more flour because the treats didn’t get as dry as I thought they should.  So, after I scored and broke them into pieces I put the pan back into the oven (turned off because I was done for the day) and let them sit in there until the oven was cool.  Not really baking but just using that heat to dry the biscuits.  I hope that makes sense!
These also passed the taste test and since they are very easy to make I will repeat this recipe in the future.

Meat Your Match dog treats from Rachael Ray magazine ( the girls are low on snacks!)

The girls are almost out of dog treats so this morning I was busy baking some tasty snacks for them.  This recipe makes 6 regular size muffins and since my dogs are teeny-tiny I had to alter it a little.
First, I doubled the ingredients so I will have enough for a few months.  The extras are frozen in small packages.

Second, I used my mini-muffin pans and made much smaller meat bites.


Since I doubled the recipe I had A LOT of meat to cook.  I quickly filled the pans and thought of another way to cook everything at once.  I used my stone baking pans and made small balls of the mixture.

My ingredients:
a little over 2 pounds of ground sirloin (2 packages from the market)
1 bag of frozen peas and carrots (why save the little bit left in the bag?)
3 whole eggs and 3 extra egg yolks (I used the whites for my breakfast)
1 cup cooked brown rice
rubber gloves for mixing by hand

Very easy and quick recipe.  Thanks Rachael Ray!  
Note:  Every month in her magazine she includes a recipe for the pooches in our lives. 

These totally passed the taste test so I will make these again for the girls and their friends.  What will I do different?
I won’t use the mini muffin pans at all.  I will use all of my baking stones and dishes for cooking.  MUCH easier to clean the flat pans vs. the mini cups. 
Call me lazy.  I just try to save time and effort whenever possible.
Double the recipe.
Bake to suit you. The dogs don’t care what shape the treats are – they just want to eat them!
I started making my own dog treats a few years ago after the dog food/treat additives scare. It’s like cooking my own food – I prefer to know what is in there and the same goes for my girls.

Everything I cook for them is suitable for human consumption too. They will be a little bland due to no salt, pepper, or other flavorings.

Happy Dog Treat Baking!