Monthly Archives: August 2012

I know I shouldn’t be at the casino

But today it paid off. I was down 80.00 precious dollars. Now I’m ahead a few.

Thanks Dale for the dinner and I’m sorry your video poker didn’t pay off.

For my loyal readers… I don’t frequent the casino but the few times I do go, I love to play.  Tonight Dale took me there for dinner on his free voucher so I had to play a little!   I do love to gamble just have the willpower to stay away.  Tonight, I’m glad I went and picked this total random machine.

I didn’t know how the machine really worked and when it started flashing I thought I had won 253.00.  Big surprise when I was told 1468.50!!

Guess this covers an apartment rehab, huh.  Karma
Thanks sis, great job mending fences.  Again, karma.

Another weird thing that happened- well, I guess it isn’t so weird according to the guy working at the casino-a Spanish speaking lady was standing next to me when I won.  We were laughing and getting all excited.  She waited while the employee filled out the forms and was there when he returned with the cash (yes, cash!). After I signed and turned to leave, she put out her hand like she expected me to give her some money.  I freaked out a little and told the guy ‘I’m leaving right now’ and Dale and I left.  I checked behind me to see if she was following and instead the nice man was behind me.  He said to never give money to people at the casino.  Apparently there are lurkers like that around the machines and they ask for handouts.  He said they tell them to leave but they are always around.  Weird!

So, those of you who know my TV,… Should I go and buy a new one now?  I feel guilty and some of you know why- but- best buy is offering 36 months interest free financing… Seems like a great opportunity to trade up.   My mind repeats grandad’s words “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”…. Comments?  I’d like a small one for my bedroom too but that would equal FOUR TVS in this house.   
I do watch a lot of movies and would like the white noise at night… Again.. Comments?  I’m weak right now in more ways than one!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

difference between two dogs during a thunderstorm

Beep-Beep is relaxing on the sofa, watching a movie, taking it easy on the blankie.  Not a care in the world as the thunder booms and the rain pours down.
Meanwhile… Elsie can’t stand still, can’t find a place to rest, is constantly panting, shaking, and her temperature is through the roof.

Blue Moon of Kentucky . . . Campton, Kentucky that is

(As released by Patsy Cline, August 5, 1963)
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
It was on one moonlight night
Stars shining bright
Whisper on high
Love said goodbye
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
I said blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
It was on one moonlit night, stars shinin’ bright
Whispered on high, love said goodbye
I said blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’

Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue

Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’

Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue

Well, it was on one moonlit night, stars shinin’ bright

Whispered on high, your lover said goodbye

I said blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shinin’
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue

Left me blue

Left me blue

Left me blue

afghans old and new

Esther ‘Gam” Perfect taught me how to crochet when I was about 10 years old I’d say.  After she showed me the chain and double crochet stitches I gathered leftover balls of yarn and started this crazy afghan.  I’ve carried this thing from apartment to house from Ohio to Florida and here it is with the girls.  I’ve decided to keep this out and use it until it falls apart.  
I hope you enjoy these pics of the crazy dogs as much as I did shooting the photos today.  I think I took 50 to get these few.  They were funny when I spread the blanket on the ground.  They started rolling around, playing, and just watching me.  You’ll have to turn your head to look at TCDITW.  I’m so over this dumb blogger software. 
 Then, Annie decided it was time for a chew so she located a bully stick and is still going at it now.

That’s my new Kentucky plant in the background.  I’m not sure of the name yet and I haven’t decided yet where to put it. 
Below is Annie on the new afghan.  While in KY I mentioned to Carole that I wanted to take a crochet lesson when I returned home.  She started pulling out patterns, yarn, and afghans in storage and proceeded to re-teach me.  The blue afghan is what I created over the week I spent in KY. Note the flawless and oh-so-straight edge. HA HA HA
This photo doesn’t show it well but there are a few extra light blue rows on one end… but who is counting anyway? I certainly wasn’t.  HA HA HA again.  I know Carole was worried at first that the pattern was not aligned but after a while she gave in and said it looked ok.  🙂  Her afghans are perfect.  Well, in theory mine are too but in name only.  This one is far from perfect but the girls don’t mind.  I don’t think they notice.