Daily Archives: March 22, 2012

Penny the Boxer . . . Her First Visit to Old Darby Street

Penny visited last night and she had lots of fun playing with these squeaky balls sent from Aunt Carole. One rolled under the cabinet and she spent a little time trying to retrieve it.Later we went out back for a swim – which didn’t go over so well – and as she dried the fun began with the other paws. Here she is intently watching Miss Daisy.

Penny’s view.
Annie finally ventured outside and as I held her she got a little snippy. Earlier when they were running around the yard, Annie was making this hilarious little yippy sound. Warning sounds I guess? Then the teeth came out. LOL Penny wasn’t intimidated at all and just wanted to play. She got bored with the little yapper after a while. Hopefully she’ll come back to visit again soon and bring her brother (Dexter) and sister (Sookie). My ankle biters need some entertainment.