Daily Archives: November 7, 2011

Music in Los Angeles – Trombone Shorty, Merle Haggard, Chris Kristofferson, Kenny Neal, and a blues jam at Cork’s

Charlie invited us to Cork’s in LA for a jam session. When we arrived we realized we were actually at a birthday party jam. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed the performers. This is the legendary Phil Upchurch on guitar. The keyboard player performs on the Tonight Show. I have videos in The You Tubes if you are interested.

Charlie and Tawni watching a video of the lady in green below. I can’t remember her name but she is a blues singer and also actress. Later we showed her the video and she was so happy to see herself on the phone screen!
As I’m editing this blog, the photo below won’t turn ‘right side up’ for some weird reason and I’ve speent too much time messing with it. This lady had to be in her 60s at least. At first glance, she looks young. When she passed by and you got a look at the crow’s feet and the wrinkled hands… well, you know what I’m talking about. She was having a good time at this show and I hope if I live to be her age that I’m out there partying too ….sans the blue hair, thick eyeliner, and micro-dress of course.I found this poster in the bathroom hallway. Love Steve McQueen. I didn’t bring this poster home with me. hahahaha

One reason I went a little earlier this year was to attend this concert at the Greek Theatre in LA. What a great show.

It was cold so we broke out the furs and hats.

I have a friend in San Diego and I told him I was in town. He said wow – Kenny is playing in LA this weekend too. So, off we went Saturday night to the casino in Inglewood to hang with Charlie and Kenny.
We also attended the Trombone Shorty show at the El Rey Theatre in LA. Trombone Shorty had the crowd of about 1500 rockin’ and groovin’. Cool shot of the three of us. Again, I need a better camera! This one is great for outdoor shots but inside – yikes. The El Rey is very nice inside.

October in Los Angeles

I spent almost three weeks in Los Angeles with Tawni and Lyndon. I had a great time hanging out with them and appreciate their warm hospitality.

Among other things which I will also post separately we….
– Spent time at It’s a Wrap http://www.itsawraphollywood.com/
– Shopped at the Vintage Clothing Expo. The second day I sat in the sun outside people watching and reading. It was a beautiful day in Santa Monica
– Watched THOR! yes, I finally got to experience the wonder that is THOR… I don’t know what the movie was really about but I did enjoy the eye candy
– cooked a few dinners and also baked some yummy pumpkin cookies
– went out to dinner here and there
– enjoyed some live music and karaoke too! (no, I did NOT sing)
– worked every weekday
– browsed a cool antique shop
– dressed like ghouls
– attended a fashion and make-up event at nordstroms which was really fun
– other stuff I’ve forgotten
– was totally spoiled

September stuff

I can’t really remember everything that happened in September but my birthday was in there someplace and a few of us celebrated at Skippers with Tab Benoit. Another group also had a scrumptous brunch at Oystercatchers.

Apparently I dog watched sometime in either late august or september because I found this photo on my PC:

Sookie, Dexter, Elsie, and Annabelle Beep-Beep

I also did my first City Bike Ride in September. I would love to do more of these but it was kind of strange doing this alone. We started at the museum and biked to 3-4 restaurants downtown. It really was much more eating than biking but it was fun.

September also found me with a ‘snake in the pool’ dilemna. Now I know, this snake isn’t very big. It is a ring-necked black snake and they don’t get much larger. BUT – a snake is a snake and I don’t like them… especially in the pool. I let it float around for a while with the hopes that it would drown. I then realized that snakes don’t drown. They swim. So, I decided to be a big girl and take care of the situation. I used the pool net and scooped it out and deposited in the grass.

I attended Lynn Marino’s baby shower.

I spent a lot of time in the stamp room making cards for September birthday gifts. I also listed many items on ebay.

There may be more events and happenings but I can’t recall right now so it is time to move on.

Paul Thorn Band at the Neighborhood Theatre, Charlotte, NC

I don’t have many photos from this show. I had to steal from Facebook the first three here. I guess I wasn’t in a picture-taking mood. Also, I remember the lighting in this place was not so great. I did shoot a few videos and they can be found in The You Tubes. 😉 Giant mushrooms inside the club.

Tracy, Ralph, and Shelley

Liz and Michael

Outside the theatre.

Michael in motion. I need a new camera. 🙂

Paul Thorn Band at Ziggys, Winston-Salem, NC

Another reason we ventured north was to hang out with our friends. We arrived in Asheville early Thursday morning and then later that day hit the road for Winston-Salem. This was my first visit to WS and I really liked the town. I especially loved the HUGE Goodwill store near our hotel. We spent a few hours there Friday morning.

Before we checked in I requested stop at a wine shop and purchased a few bottles for Ralph and I to enjoy at each show. At the show I noticed these small cans of PBR everywhere. I know someone who would have loved these cans of beer!

Jeffrey Perkins clicking the sticks.

Ralph Friedrichsen on bass.
Me and Paul. My required self-portrait.

Ralph pointing at ME for some reason!

Backstage there was a working video game. We had fun taking turns. Of course Michael had the high score.

Michael Graham

Bill Hinds groovin’

Billy Maddox doing his job. And a fine job he’s doin’!

I couldn’t resist this sneaky self-portrait of me and this funny t-shirt.

Suzy at the merchandise table.

Michael and one of Bill’s guitars.

Happy Jeffrey

Just jammin’

self walking tour of Charlotte – NASCAR, World’s Strongest Man, The Green, Niki De Saint Phalle

In an earlier post I mentioned the Carolina Panther sculptures that I had to go see in person after the excitement I felt looking at them as we drove by on our way into town. Fortunately our hotel was just steps away from many sites of downtown Charlotte.

I don’t know what is housed in this building but we thought it was pretty neat and made a nice background for a photo. Later we chanced upon a very cool sculpture garden “The Green” with a literary theme and nice fountains. Fountains that appear to not be working at the particular moment that one is standing over one of the spouts. One of the hidden spouts in the ground where one walks in a circle reading the literary quotes which surround the HUGE FISH fountain which is clearly spouting and splashing water. Oh, and then… the hidden, non-working fountain springs to life and totally wets the dumb person standing directly over one of the spouts. Yes, that would be me. It was like taking a garden hose and spraying my crotch. It looked like I had wet my pants. So, what does an intelligent girl do who doesn’t want everyone on the street to think she had an accident? She moves over to the left and then to the right so as to soak her entire lower body… including shoes. What was I supposed to do? We were blocks from the hotel and had no intention of going back right away. So, I walked on with my soaked drawers.

http://youtu.be/daqI52W3v6I This is a short video I shot walking around the sculpture.

We then headed towards the NASCAR Hall of Fame Museum. How could we not? We were jus steps away from the fastest growing sport in the world. hahahahahaha

We didn’t pay to go inside but I did snap this photo of some of the cars. I would have liked to go in and look at all of the artifacts but we didn’t have time and it wasn’t free. HOWEVER, the bonus the day we were there was taking place outside.

THE WORLD’S STRONGEST MAN COMPETITION! ok, I admit, I’d NEVER heard of this until we walked up and Tracy explained it to me. CRAZY!

http://youtu.be/yVD0L2XNgkI Here is a video of the US contestant. Yes, he is carrying a car. A Yugo I believe. A car. Carrying a car. I’m sure some of the ‘stuff’ has been taken out of the car. Well, wait… did Yugos have anything extra in them to begin with???

http://youtu.be/W2nGKl5kPeM Here’s another video. I’m not sure which country this Strong Man represents but he did a fine job as well.

I know most of you reading this really want to know what happened with my wet drawers. Well, we had the bright idea of using the hand dryer in the NASCAR museum. Great idea right! Well, those cheapskates don’t have a blow dryer in there. So, I walked around the city as-is and the pants eventually dried. I got a few looks at first but who cares! It could have been worse. I could have really had an accident in my pants.

Tour of North Carolina – September 2001

My main intention was to visit Rocky and Jean. Rocky will be 91 on 11/25.

We also FINALLY were able to do a quick run through the Biltmore. I hope to get back here before the end of this year. I want to see the christmas display.

View from one of the porches at the Biltmore home. If you’ve never been and you find yourself in Asheville, take a couple of hours and visit the grounds. You won’t be disappointed.

Tracy, Liz, and Shelley
self portrait by shelley