Daily Archives: July 28, 2011

Annabelle Beep-Beep is one year old today

A year ago today a little puppy was born in Florida. Here is Annie in the garden. I love this little dog but she is the perfect image of a Chihuahua. She’s an ankle-biter, a yapper, and is aggressive towards Elsie.
Seriously, when someone comes in the house, she wants the attention and will run along their feet and bites ankles. How do I break this habit?
She recently discovered her voice and will bark at random every now and then, at nothing. Well, maybe her bionic ears hear something and she has a valid reason to bark but to me, it seems like she’s yapping to just yap. Of course, then Elsie gets in on it and I have even more yapping.
Agressiveness; She and Elsie play all the time which is what I wanted, a companion for Elsie. They get rough sometimes and you hear the growling and yips of ‘back off bitch’ too. However, the ‘I’m going to rip your face off’ aggression is what freaks me out. This happens once a day or every other day. Elsie is not aggressive at all and just takes the abuse. It usually happens when they are both on my lap or if a toy or chew stick is involved. How do I break this bad behaviour?
Overall, I do love this little dog and am happy I have her. However, she is the reason that many people do not like Chihuahuas. Maybe as she gets a little older she will calm some and realize that she does not have to be, nor is she Top Dog.

She loves to play in the garden. Digging holes is a skill she learned from Elsie and she is very good at this task.

She wants to dominate Elsie. In this photo one might think ‘ohhh, cute, she’s protecting Elsie’ when in fact, she’s sitting on her, trying to get her to move.

She likes to be right next to me and that causes conflict with Elsie (and sometimes Daisy too). She is adorable but she’s a feisty little thing.