Daily Archives: October 18, 2010

Craft day with GREAT greyhound rescue – SKI NUTS!

Many stages of Ski-Nuts

My Gam and I used to make these ski nuts tree ornaments for her to sell at Perfect North Slopes. Grandad would crack the walnuts and pick out the meat for us and glue the halves back together.

This year I decided to make a group for the greyhound group to use for their gift wrapping benefit at Barnes and Nobles.

Liz helped me crack and pick the walnut meat out of the shells. (I made brownies with the nuts.)

You need toothpicks for the ski poles, pop sticks for skis, and of course acorns for the heads.
They are labor intensive but oh-so-cute.

Welcome Home committee

When I have to leave the house, I put the crate in the doorway of my bedroom. The dogs have the run of that room and can see out. This is how they look when I return home. They also like to sleep in the crate throughout the day.

Annie’s First Yappy Happy Hour, Dubliner, Tampa, 10.10.2010

The both barely fit in the Dog In a Box. I guess I need a bigger box. (said in my best taco bell dog voice)

Elsie smiling. She was a total grump when she first came out of the box. Tight quarters.

This was a GREAT greyhound benefit. The hounds were lined up and ready for petting.

Elsie was a ham! Well, Elsie IS a ham.

Melinda and Kelly. Annie’s feet didn’t touch the ground. Imagine that.

Size perspective.