Monthly Archives: May 2010

What in the world???

Elsie and I were out in the garden and I heard/saw something move under the bamboo. I thought it was a cat at first but then it somehow crawled up the plastic fence and until it turned around I still couldn’t tell what the heck it was….

Look at mama opossum with all those babies hanging off her! I don’t know how she climbed that slick plastic fence but she did it…with all those little ones attached!

Small Dog Birthday Party

Liz hosted a birthday party for the small dogs: Dexter, Gaspar, Buffy, Spike, and Elsie. I don’t have any good pics of the other dogs. The pic above isn’t the best either. But, that’s Elsie trying to choke down her piece of birthday cake. I had to pry it from her throat and nearly lost a finger.
Liz made the cake using chicken, sour cream, and shredded carrots for the top.
If more pics come my way, I’ll add them.