Daily Archives: May 19, 2010

Ohio Birdhouse for the Florida birds!

I have tried to customize my yard to attract wildlife and the birds are building nests in the pine forest in the front yard and also using the one small bird house in the back yard.

Well, my mom’s neighbor made this birdhouse for me!!! I just have to figure out how to hang it or attach it to the fence or something.

I have a few Florida license plates in my garage if anyone wants to make more houses for me!! I will pay you for your time and effort. Big houses, small houses, any will do and the use of the plates isn’t a requirement either. Although they do add to the whimsy. My FL plates are personalized and they would look great on the houses.

HAIR on broadway and again at Demens Landing!

HAIR three times in less than 2 weeks! If you read my blog you know that a few of us went to the local production of hair a while back. Well, last week I was in NJ and took the opportunity to go to the city and see the broadway production with my cousin Beth.
Sunday night I took Bailey to the last performance of the local production in St. Pete. People think I’m crazy (I’m crazy, you’re crazy, we’re all crazy, let’s shake on it) but it is one of my favorite plays and the movie is in the watch-every-6-months-or-so-rotations. I think I am a reincarnated flower child… or maybe I was a Vietnam sacrifice reincarnated and am here to live the life that was totally stolen from me?
That’s Imitation Elsie waiting to get into the theatre….

Chris Thomas King – Skipper’s Smokehouse

over 10 million records and still going strong…. I missed him the last time he appeared at Skipper’s and was happy (obviously!) to see him on this last night of his tour of the east coast.

Smart man, he has the rights to his music and has his own label:


Lots of videos on You Tube and here’s a few links:



