Daily Archives: May 6, 2010

Imitation Elsie is back in Ohio …again

IE loved riding in this car.

Here is IE with the screaming turtle candy jar. I never knew this thing was so popular.

Most trips to Ohio involve a trip to the Esther Price candy store. This trip was no different.

Here’s IE with a photo of Esther. I’m glad her family has carried on the tradition.

Elsie in the pansies.

Imitation Elsie visits the Hemingway Home in Key West

This is his writing studio.
This is bed with two of the resident cats. There are 47 living on the grounds. The cats are polydactyl which means they have extra toes. Some of you may remember my cat Rocky. She had extra toes on three of four paws. Polydactyl cats are also known (around here anyway…) as Hemingway Cats. He had a cat years ago named Snowball and all of the cats on the property are descendents of Snowball.

I hope you enjoy the following pics of a few of the Hemingway cats and Imitation Elsie. 🙂

This kitty took an interst in IE and then took a swat:
This big fluff also took a little interest and gave her a sniff.This big grey and white kitty walked up behind the solid black cat to do a little investigation. When IE moved a little because their noses touched, the cat did one of those crazy backwards jumps …. see the next blurry photo.
When a cat has kittens, they are kept in a HUGE cage during tour hours. People are encouraged to visit and chat with them to get them acclimated to their living environment. These kittens were adorable. There were four in this litter and one is a polydactyl. The legacy continues.

The property is bordered by a brick wall and this company (Purrfect Fence!!) has installed netting like stuff to ensure the cats don’t leave the grounds. The trees have a plastic sleeve thingy on their trunks so they can’t climb too high and jump over. I’m not sure why any cat would want to leave this paradise.
The property also has a pet cemetery and there are many headstones and markers.

Imitation Elsie makes a few stops around DC

In the American History Museum she spotted this vintage sign.

She had to get into the action with this photo of the presidents.

The Mall and green pond.

At the presidential podium.

Nose to nose with a bison. In front of the monument, just before heading up. At the top of the Washington Monument with the White House over her shoulder.
At the Lincoln Memorial. At the Bureau of Engraving and Printing with a million dollars!

Inside the space man suit during Earth Day on the Mall.In the garden outside the Department of Agriculture display for Earth Day. At the WWII memorial.

In front of the oh-so-cool state license plate display.

At the Capital.On the bus headed downtown.She used the subway (Metro) to get around quickly from place to place.
In between stations she hitched a ride. After a long day in the city, she needed to relax a little.